August Project Updates!


Monthly Project Updates are a series I began when starting my blog.  It’s mostly a way for me to hold myself accountable for finishing the many things I start, but I hope it also makes for an entertaining read!  My ultimate goal would be to have a group of bloggers share comments or link to posts about their own monthly progress and successes–the more the merrier!

Click here for the six goals I’ve set for myself–which have somewhat shifted since I began writing this blog.

Goals Big and Small:

1.  Downsizing

It’s now officially been a year since M and I moved into this apartment together–our first shared home!  Since that time, it’s gone through waves of cleanliness and clutter.  This month I made progress–cleared out and organized a lot of junk, and finally took a load of clothing and books to Good Will!

2.  Plan the wedding

A month ago, I hadn’t booked anything.  Now, in spite of a few setbacks, things are coming along quite nicely!  The wedding to-do list is dwindling, and it’s looking like we just might pull this off!

3.  Music

July hasn’t been a stellar month for music.  I think a big part of it is my frustration that I haven’t made more progress at this point.  I’m planning to shift my focus away from goals and back toward the process, and embrace the meditative mindset of exploring each stage with curiosity instead of criticism that I discovered in my yoga class.  Also influential in this attempt to reframe my practice is this blog post  about writing by Kelly Harms, which brought me the quote that might be my new life mantra:



4.  Career

Well… there might be a few obstacles for my career in the short term, but I’ll be focused on learning, growing, and exploring things that will help me become a better person and a more skilled worker in whatever field I later choose.

5.  Friendship

It turns out that having a wedding is a great way to get back in touch with those people you love but lose touch with so easily!  July has been a good month for reconnecting, and I’m excited for what the next few months will bring!

6. Writing

writing, writer, notes, pen, notebook, book, girl, woman, people, hands, grass, outdoors

I feel like this blog will become a lifeline for me in the coming months!  It forces me to corral my thoughts and question my assumptions as I commit my words to print–and even better, it gives me a way to connect with other writers and their idea through an ongoing dialogue!  I have several ideas for upcoming blog posts, and I can’t wait to see how they’ll turn out.

I’m also seriously considering writing a book–I’ll certainly have the time!–but I’m not sure I’m ready for the commitment.  Not to mention that I’m undecided about what exactly I want to write…  I love that this blog is a work in progress and a place where I can collect my scattered thoughts, even when the individual posts have nothing to do with each other!

What projects are you working on this month?  What big and small goals keep you inspired?

5 thoughts on “August Project Updates!

  1. I love the update!! I am forever writing on this book (or 2). Currently (being a stay at home wife while himself in on the road) I have a 1 acre jungle of a yard to tame. This will take me a while. Luckily, I have time! As well, I have started volunteering a bit of my time…giving back from what I have been given!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I love your updates, too! 😉 Actually, there are striking similarities between our situations–just replace “1 acre jungle” with “hopelessly cluttered guest bedroom” and you’d have a near-perfect match!

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      1. I love it! I just spent 2 weeks helping my big sis clean out her hopelessly cluttered guest room…it was rough! But rest assured, there is hope! Lol! Tuesdays are my volunteer day so I accomplished zilch today!

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  2. I’m working on writing and FINISHING my prelim exams. Even though they’re not due until the 16th, I’m setting myself the 10th at midnight (or possibly the 11th, in the morning) as a deadline. At least I crossed the 60-page mark, currently at 61 pages out of 60-75 required. However I still have several pages of notes to go through for each paper, not to mention a couple sources here and there :-/ aarrghhh

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